Terry Rockwell
Vice President of Operations
NRC Special Operations Group – SRS
29+ Years Industry Experience
Meet Terry Rockwell
As the Operational Management lead for NRC SOG-SRS, Terry brings a unique set of specialized technical skillsets required to efficiently, and safely handle high-profile hazardous emergency situations.
A nationally-recognized industry leader and compressed gas specialist, Terry has managed hundreds of emergency response incidents, tank car transfers, high hazard incidents and gas-related remediation projects.
His extensive emergency response and management experience includes serving as the Response Team Leader for Chlorep (Chlorine Emergency Response Program) in Texas, as well as the implementation of regulations and driver training programs for the Department of Transportation.
Terry’s unwavering commitment to providing safe solutions for complicated and extremely high consequence projects, helps NRC’s clients with their most serious issues.
Areas of Expertise:
- Operations Management
- Chemical Emergency Response and Railcar Specialist
- Cylinder Specialist
- Chlorine Specialist
- Compressed Gas Specialist
Education and Specialized Certifications:
- Louisiana State University, Marine Firefighting
- Louisiana State University, Marine Survival and Rescue
- Louisiana State University, marine First Aid/CPR
- OSHA 40 Hour HAZWOPER Certification
- OSHA Permit Required Confined Space Certification
- OSHA Supervisor Training Course
- Incident Command Systems Certification
- OSHA Driver Qualifications and Regulations
- OPA 90, EPS, RSPA, MMS, Oil Spill Recovery Tactics Training
- Chlorine Institute’s CHLOREP Certification
- Transportation Technology Centers, Inc.-Advanced Tank Car Specialist
- Advanced Methods of Mitigation for Incidents Involving Compressed Gasses
- Instructor Anhydrous Ammonia Live Agent Training
- Advanced Industrial Firefighting-Texas A&M University
- Tank/Car/Tank Truck Emergency Response
- Instructor-Advanced Tank Car Course-TTCI
- Instructor-Advanced Tank Truck Response Course-TTCI
- Instructor-Methods of Mitigation-Wisconsin Military Academy
- Instructor-Louisiana Emergency Response Training Center
- Instructor-Rail Related Response-Texas A&M University
- Instructor-Chlorine Institute-CHLOREP Seminars
- Cylinder Specialist-Response and Identification
- Chlorine Vessel Certification Training
- Stationary Tank Testing Certification Training
- Facility Response and Contingency Training for Chlorine Facilities
- Instructor-CHLOREP Team Response-In Plant
- Instructor-TRANSCAER Training
- Instructor-Cylinder Identification and Clandestine Drug Labs-TNRCC
- Safe Handling of Peroxides and Pyrophoric products
Professional Associations:
- Committeeman- CHLOREP ER Task Group 2012-2015
- Vice-Chair Emergency Preparedness Issue Team- CHLOREP ER Task Group 2015- Present
- Texas Transcaer- Board of Directors, 2016