NRC provides comprehensive emergency response services to those who store, transport, handle, or produce oil. Established in 1992 as an oil spill response provider following the introduction of the 1990 Oil Pollution Act, ‘OPA 90,’ our global footprint includes a full range of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 emergency response services. Through strategic acquisition and organic growth, our service lines have since expanded to cover a wide range of industrial and remediation services as well as training, consultancy, and specialist response services. In addition to providing an international response solution, our areas of expertise include resource and communications management, logistics, and response planning and environmental training.
We are proud of our many years of experience providing oil spill response and environmental regulatory compliance services to some of the world’s largest shipping companies including major oil product and dry bulk carriers operating throughout the world. We also service the majority of U.S. domestic tank barge operators.
NRC owns and operates a vast amount of specialized oil spill response equipment and vessels pre-positioned throughout the U.S. ports and strategically positioned global operating theatres. We are also supported by a highly skilled Independent Contractor Network (ICN) throughout our national areas of service. These contractors have been selected by NRC after a review of their resources, capabilities and experience.
As a national Oil Spill Removal Organization (OSRO) we maintain the highest USCG OSRO classification in all regulatory operating environments and Captain-of-the-Port Zones as defined by OPA ‘90 and OSRO Guidelines. NRC’s fleet of marine assets, including offshore response vessels and temporary storage and response barges, are strategically positioned to meet the planning requirements of OPA ‘90. Through our vast response resources, NRC has the ability to quickly respond to a spill of any size.
Responses are initiated through NRC’s International Operations Center (IOC), which is manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by full time NRC employees. This organizational structure and strategically positioned response resources allows NRC to mount a massive response, as necessary, through the deployment of personnel and equipment to the site of the incident. Once on-scene, NRC’s logistics and communications specialists ensure that the entire response effort progresses efficiently and cost effectively. As a leading national OSRO, NRC offers proven experience with successful response operations to nearly every oil spill since inception.
Maritime Shipping Services
Maritime Shipping Case Studies
Challenge A bulk carrier collided with the oil tank-barge in the Houston Ship Channel near...
Read More >Scope On March 31, 2016, approximately 100 barrels of a heavy fuel oil and oily-water...
Read More >Scope A 45,000 DWT oil/chem tanker with a Cargo of gas condensate was involved in...
Read More >Scope: NRC performed a significant loading, transportation and disposal of project during the fall of...
Read More >Summary NRC was contracted to complete a project that included the installation of a Strain...
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